The world of textiles - BLOG 8


During the pandemic it has been difficult for me to have a favorite subject, because  the difficulty of taking art classes and its particularity of being a more face-to-face and technical career.

But the subject that I liked the most and that has managed to interest me, and I can carry out a complete investigation that in turn has been very motivating for me is the complementary textile workshop.

In classes we have seen the many ways to fabrics  dye  with natural and artificial elements, from knowing their components to carrying out your own experimentation. It has been very interesting and at the same time a very simple practice to do at home, without expensive materials and is a  very friendly techniques for the environment.

Then we begin with the lacing processes, when they explain how to braid with different techniques. I really enjoy this subject, it also involves millenary practices, where you can freely experiment and also get involved with the history of textiles that predominates in Latin America and in our history.

these are some works that I did in this asignature:


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